The Spine Corner
Michael Meyer
Director of the European School of Spinology
Your Spine---The Key to Balanced Body Chemistry
Everyone, deep in the back of their mind, knows that their spine is a very important part of, if not the key to their lives. However, very few people realize just how important it is and how much it influences their day to day existence. In fact, it is responsible for their moment to moment performance.
for the muscles to correct the misalignment, the vertebra will stay misaligned and cause continued tissue malfunction. This will cause many people to seek treatments or therapies to cure them of their symptoms without ever realising that the spine is the key to their body disharmony. This lack of harmony will cause them to experience a life at much less than their full potential.
It now becomes obvious that proper spinal alignment is crucial if you aim to function at your best. The next instalment in this series will discuss the structure of the spine and the specific muscles the body uses for correction, how correction is achieved naturally and what can be done if self correction hasn’t happened.
Balanced body chemistry, or the ability for the body to meet the instantaneous needs that we require to adapt to our ever changing circumstances, is regulated of course by the nervous system. With proper nerve function we can adapt the instant that the need is expressed. This instantaneous adaptation is required for us to be the best functioning human beings possible.
Imagine if the adrenal gland couldn’t respond accurately to our body’s needs. What would happen if the adrenal gland was producing too much of its hormone? Cushing’s syndrome happens when a person’s body is exposed to too much of the hormone cortisol. In this syndrome, a person’s body makes more cortisol than it needs. There could be a few reason for this, but how many people would consider that this imbalance might stem from improper nerve supply to the adrenal gland?
A spinal bone (vertebra) being misaligned, called a spinal occlusion, will cause the hole (foramen) where the nerve exits between two spinal bones from the spinal chord to become smaller. This will cause pressure upon the nerve and will interfere with the neural transmissions to and from the brain. This will cause the tissues of the body where that nerve supplies its information to malfunction. Obviously there will be a ‘knock on’ effect and cause the body to have to suffer with this decreased function. Most people just get used to functioning poorly. A ‘malfunction’ within the body for a period of time will very likely cause symptoms that may be consistent with a myriad of diagnoses.
The spinal muscles attached to the spinal occlusion will attempt self correction in the same fashion that the rotator cuff muscles will attempt to correct a dislocated shoulder. If the force that caused the spinal occlusion was too great for the muscles to correct the misalignment, the vertebra will stay misaligned and cause continued tissue malfunction. This will cause many people to seek treatments or therapies to cure them of their symptoms without ever realising that the spine is the key to their body disharmony. This lack of harmony will cause them to experience a life at much less than their full potential.
It now becomes obvious that proper spinal alignment is crucial if you aim to function at your best. The next instalment in this series will discuss the structure of the spine and the specific muscles the body uses for correction, how correction is achieved naturally and what can be done if self correction hasn’t happened.